icCube's Embedded license allows for integrating icCube into a product or solution. Benefit from as many instances you need, including Dev and QA.
Our Prices below are the starting point, a pricing workshop will allow us to adapt to your exact business case.
Talk to us if you are releasing a new product or solution and would like to embed data analytics and reporting into it.
Fixed determined price
billed Yearly
guaranteed for 3 years.
- unlimited users
- unlimited instances
- unlimited usage
Includes a base fixed amount + a variable based on the value analytics brings to your SaaS solution.
- unlimited users
- unlimited instances
- unlimited usage
Talk to us if you are releasing a new product or solution and would like to embed data analytics and reporting into it.
Fixed monthly price
billed Yearly
guaranteed for 3 years.
- unlimited users
- unlimited instances
- unlimited usage
Includes a base fixed amount + a variable based on the value analytics brings to your SaaS solution.
- unlimited users
- unlimited instances
- unlimited usage
Customer Testimonials
Discover how companies have transformed their analytics integration journey with icCube.
Embark on Your Analytics Integration Journey
Begin with a free trial and discover the ease of embedding analytics with icCube.